Bailey's is a Bronze Award Eco-School
Students, teachers, parents and community volunteers join in engaging experiences that enhance the process of learning science. Whether exploring the courtyard, designing experiments, observing collections, learning from presenters, consulting with experts, or working in the garden, students are actively involved in the process of learning to think scientifically. Students participate in whole class lessons in the science lab and outdoors as an extension of their classroom science curriculum. Students, teachers, parents - all members of the community - occasionally drop into the lab to share a discovery or check out the latest experiments and displays. Teachers have access to the resources of the science lab, borrowing equipment, and collections as well as collaborating with the science resource teacher for professional training and curriculum development. These collaborations result in enriching extensions of the FCPS hands-on science kit curricula that reflect the interests and enthusiasm of the Bailey’s Community.
May 2018
Bailey's Elementary School was awarded for their achievement in successfully completing the Eco-Schools USA Bronze Award criteria.

Science Resource Teacher
- Resource Teacher, ES