Bailey's Elementary School is proud to have been selected as one of 7 schools in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area to be a member of the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program. Our school’s partnership with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which began in 1999, helps teachers develop their expertise in integrating the arts with the teaching of other school subjects (such as history, language arts, science). This focus on arts-integrated instruction is designed to help all students learn with greater motivation and ease. To that end, the Kennedy Center and the schools work together to develop, implement, and evaluate an in-depth staff development program of courses, workshops, coaching, and study groups.
The CETA program uses a comprehensive definition of arts integration as its foundation. This definition helps teachers, administrators, and teaching artists know exactly what arts integration is and how it differs from teaching the arts or just using the arts in the classroom.
What is Arts Integration?
Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.