A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner!
Learn more about Kindergarten at Bailey's
Preparing Your Student for Kindergarten
Help your child learn to say and write his or her first and last name
Participate in the summer reading program at the local library with your child
Read stories together
Sing and say the Alphabet
Count – count - count
Play games
A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner
Sample Schedule
Breakfast and Morning Meeting - 30 minutes
Reading Workshop - 1 hour
Interactive Read Aloud - 20 minutes
Word Study - 20 minutes
Writing Workshop - 40 minutes
Specials - 1 hour
Lunch (30 min)/Recess (30 min)
Math Workshop - 1 hour
Science/Social Studies - 30 minutes
Learning Stations/Purposeful Play - 20 minutes
Morning Meeting
Morning Message
Reading Workshop
- Whole group instruction (10-15 minutes)
- Purposeful Independent Reading (10-15 minutes)
- Partner Reading, Writing about Reading or Talking about Reading (5-15 minutes)
- Small Groups (Guided Reading, Strategy Lessons, 1:1 conference)
- Share (5 minutes)
Writing Workshop
- Whole group instruction (10-15 minutes)
- Independent Writing (30-40 minutes)
- Partner Time (5 minutes)
- Small Groups & Conferences
- Share (5 minutes)
Math Workshop
Counting Routines
Problem Solving
Whole-group lesson
Small-group learning stations
Partner Games
Whole-group reflection
Students explore science concepts through hands-on experiences, engaging in the “doing” of science
Classes explore outdoors to learn about seasonal changes, weather patterns, plants and animals
Learning Stations/Purposeful Play
Children explore blocks, story retelling, art, computers, puzzles, etc. Teachers and instructional assistants work with students to:
Encourage inquiry and exploration
Develop spatial reasoning skills
Develop logical and mathematical relationships.
Develop oral language
Special Programs & Resources Offered at Bailey's
Creative Movement
- Why Creative Movement at Bailey's Elementary School? Creative Movement fosters self-esteem, cooperation, discipline and promotes higher level thinking skills.
- Creative Movement Integrates with Curriculum: Creative movement connects the Elements of Dance with Content from Science, Social Studies ,Literacy and Math. Integration offers students more possibilities for their learning, immerses students in a creative process and supports students cooperative learning skills.
- Who takes Creative movement? All K-2 students receive Creative Movement classes once week for half and hour.
In Creative Movement students are expected to meet educational standards in Dance as well as in the subject they are Integrating. An example would be:
- Example:
- Grade level: Second Grade
- Subject: Social Studies
- Standard 2.2
The student will compare the lives and contributions of tree American Indians cultures of the past and present, with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands.
- Connects to:
- Dance Standard: Anchor Standard 3: Generate and Conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Explore movement inspired by stimuli (Images) and suggest additional sources for movements ideas
Parent Resource Center
Parent Liaisons -English, Spanish, Arabic
Classes for parents
Support with communicating with school (teacher conferences, completing forms, etc) and family needs
Arts Integration at Bailey's
Field Trips to the Kennedy Center to see performances
Teacher Training and Coaching
Concentration Circle
Arts Integration Throughout the Day (Some examples: Tiny Toy Tales, Tableau, Dramatic Story Retelling, Learning through Movement)
Arts Integration Festival
Arts Integration Parent Day
Outdoor Learning & Community Garden
- Bailey’s Elementary is committed to providing a strong foundation in environmental stewardship through many outdoor learning opportunities.
- Arcadia Farms has helped Bailey’s redesign and expand garden space to include a community garden. They bring their mobile market to Bailey’s for 1st grade classrooms to visit each spring and follow up with a fall visit for 2nd grade students in the fall of the next year.
Responsive Classroom
We Believe:
The social and emotional curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum.
How children learn is as important as what they learn.
Great cognitive growth occurs through social interaction.
Children need to learn a set of social and emotional skills that include cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control.
Other Information
School Hours
Arrival - 8:50 - 9:00 a.m.
Late/Tardy Bell - 9:00 a.m. (all students must be in class)
Dismissal begins - 3:40 p.m.
All students dismissed - 3:45 p.m.
Attendance Matters
- Arrive to school on time and come to school unless sick
- Good attendance is essential for learning
- Call school attendance line if your child will be absent and provide reason for absence
- Provide a doctor note if child will be absent for 3 or more days
- Become familiar with the school calendar to plan family trips during non-school days, whenever possible
Breakfast & Lunch
Universal Breakfast - All students receive a free breakfast in the classroom
Lunch - All students at Bailey’s receive a free lunch or may bring lunch from home

School Safety Drills
Fire drills are completed monthly.
Bus emergency drills are completed twice a year.
Tornado drills are required once per school year during the month of March.
Lockdown drills are required four times per school year. Two of the lockdown drills are completed during the first 20 days of school.
First Days of School - Student Safety
First day of school - parents welcome during arrival
Starting second day - only students enter the building
Make sure your child’s first name, teacher, and either school name/phone or parent phone number is on your child’s backpack
Immunization Requirements
Virginia law requires parents to provide documentation of age-appropriate immunization for students attending school.
A properly completed immunization record signed by a licensed physician or local health department employee must be provided.
For a complete listing of necessary immunizations, please check General Registration Immunizations.
Families should contact their health care provider to obtain any needed immunizations.
Fairfax County Health Department's five clinics offer immunizations.
Bus Riders
Bus stops and times available late August
Magnet website (bus depot stops)
Adult must meet child at bus stop
Kiss and Ride