CETA Information for Families

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child be learning through the arts throughout theCETA
entire day?

no. arts integration is one tool a teacher has for helping students learn. teachers continue to use other strategies they find effective, as well.

Are grades given?

yes. Sometimes a group is graded for their learning; sometimes an individual students’work is graded.

What if my child is not artistically talented?

this program is not about talent or developing talent; rather it harnesses children's natural creativity for learning.

What Students Say…

“If we didn't move like the sun and earth (rotate, revolve, orbit, and tilt) then we wouldn’t know what the words actually meant.”  

“A part of cooperating is listening to other people’s ideas and I’ve gotten much better at that.”

“Portraits are biographies. ...they actually are stories with symbols to teach you about what is important to the person or how the person helped other people in America.”

“Dramatizing the story was like magic.....Sometimes I read stories, but this time I was in the story.... I got a deep sense of the book and how the characters were feeling"