Portrait of a Graduate (POG) : Communicator
End of Year SMARTR Goal: POG Communicator Attribute
By June 2020, all students will increase one level on the Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Outcomes: Communicator rubric.
By June 2020, all staff will embed the communicator attribute in core content areas and specials classes through tier 1 instruction
Bailey's Staff
Bailey's Staff members are engaging in this work together through a driving question.
How can we, as Bailey’s Staff, use the POG communicator attribute, to promote unity in our community?
Through out the 19-20 school year, all instructional staff will use common resources and participate in professional development around POG and scoring student assessments.
How can you support unity in our Bailey's Community?
- Have ideas about how staff can promote unity in our community through communication? Email Sara Quesenbery or Michelle Walker today !
- Social media users- add the hashtag #WeAreBaileys to posts relevant to our school community
- Learn more about Portrait of a Graduate HERE.