Portrait of a Graduate

Portrait of a Graduate (POG) at Bailey's Elementary School


End of Year SMARTR Goal: POG Communicator Attribute 

  • By June 2020, all students will increase one level on the Portrait of a Graduate (POG) Outcomes: Communicator rubric.

  • By June 2020, all staff will embed the communicator attribute in core content areas and specials classes through tier 1 instruction


Bailey's Staff 

Bailey's Staff members are engaging in this work together through a driving question. 

How can we, as Bailey’s Staff, use the POG communicator attribute, to promote unity in our community?

Through out the 19-20 school year, all instructional staff will use common resources and participate in professional development around POG and scoring student assessments.

    How can you support unity in our Bailey's Community?

    • Have ideas about how staff can promote unity in our community through communication? Email Sara Quesenbery or Michelle Walker today !
    • Social media users- add the hashtag #WeAreBaileys to posts relevant to our school community.

    Check out Bailey's News You Choose

    Each month POG resources, including sentence stems, are sent home for families to try at home.

    Learn more about POG in FCPS!

    POG information and resources for families.